The Team
Who We Are

Carlos & Meredith Block
Team Leaders
Carlos was born in Perú and in his early 20's moved to the US with his family. In California he pastored a church with a dream of returning to bring the Gospel to the indigenous people of Peru. Many years after the passing of his late wife he reconnected with Meredith who had been living in Perú serving in ministry for 20 years. In 2012 they married and began ministry among the Yanesha people together. Now 10 years into the ministry they are excited to see this dream of the Cetpro advance the mission.

Juan Jose Dionicio
Yanesha Leader
Juan is a Yanesha leader, he has been working with the Blocks for 6 years. His heart and desire is for his people to come to know the Lord. Juan manages the construction of the CETPRO, while leading pastoral training, soccer ministry and working with Engineers without Borders to provide clean water to the community.

Eli and Elaine Caro
Team Members
Eli was born in Iquitos, in the Peruvian jungle, and saw his family dramatically change when his father became a believer. He was the first in his family to go to college, studying agricultural engineering and getting involved in campus ministry. He later became a full-time campus minister. While serving in Cuzco, he met Elaine, a Brazilian missionary. They later married and now have three children. Their heart for youth and the jungle is an amazing fit for our team.
El Camino Board
Board Members
Juan Dionisio
David Arista
David Lopez
Concepcion Matienzo
Nestor Gutierrez
Carlos Block
Meredith Block