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Meredith Block

CETPRO or Technical School?

Big news! Thanks to the efforts of our consultant Javier, and the Lord's favor, we were able to meet 3 directors at the Ministry of Education in Lima on April 10th to present our agricultural school!

Good news: They were excited about the idea, location, and infrastructure we already have.

Bad news: National CETPRO implementation guidelines won’t be finalized until next year.

Good news: We can become an annex of a technological school in our region, and later “independizarnos.”

Concerns: Do we still get to choose our own teachers? How much control will we have over content, and discipleship courses we want to offer?

Good news: Thus far, it appears we can negotiate these concerns, creating a personalized agreement that will allow us to proceed as planned. Please pray with us to that end.

Subsequent meetings are moving us forward, like the one pictured here with David Lopez. He is a Yanesha consultant at the ministry of education who has been assigned to work with us. We met on zoom with him from Iscozacin yesterday, and he is enthusiastic about our proposal, understanding firsthand all the challenges his people face to obtain higher education. Our Christian orientation has been well-received.


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