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  • Meredith Block

Why do the Yanesha need a Christian Technological School?

  • Cost Most students cannot afford to study elsewhere, even if it's free. The travel and housing expenses alone are often untenable. Even if they can begin a program, they often don't finish for same reason.

  • Inclusive Learning Some students are more "hands-on" learners, rather than "book-learners." Technological schools use practical and experiential teaching styles that help non-traditional learners improve their skills in practical ways.

  • Location, location, location If students don't live in the community where our technological school is located, we are applying for "intern" status, so that they can lodge on campus during the week, returning home on the weekends. Travel expenses, if existent, will be minimal.

  • Agricultural Focus Most students own or have access to farmland. Their income is minimal if they cannot offer quality produce consistently. Innovation and increasing management skills can improve income and meet basic needs.

  • Evangelism and Discipleship We are able to incorporate sports, Bible courses and mentoring focused on spiritual needs and Christian life skills. After visiting schools for 6 years, we have gained some degree of credibility that will attract them to study at the center.


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