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  • Meredith Block

A Couple Influencing Yanesha Youth

Four years ago, we organized a marriage conference where we met Arnold and Ingrith for the first time. They were young and pregnant. The two soaked in all the teaching from the couples who came from North Carolina to help with the conference. Arnold and Ingrith expressed their desire to get married but three years passed. During that time, their little boy was born and Arnold helped with the construction site. Eventually, he became the caretaker of El Camino (aka the technological school). That year they approached us and said “We want to get married, we want to get baptized.” The two of them asked if they could get married at the center and if Carlos would marry them. We were excited and planned for premarital counseling in the meantime.


In July of 2023, they were civilly married in Iscozacin and in October they were married “religiously” at El Camino. They cleaned and decorated the buildings for the wedding and their family provided an amazing meal. The ceremony was unique in many ways. One being, a team from Texas also joined us as photographers and well-wishers.


Arnold and Ingrith are a young couple with their entire lives ahead of them. He has a technical degree in agriculture and built our demonstration garden. He also loves soccer and is in the process of being trained to help Juan with the soccer outreach. They both love orality and put it to practice. Arnold and Ingrith share stories and even act them out with their friends and family. Ingrith has been through the Multiplying Hope study with me (Meredith); and is excited to reach other young women with the message that God cares about them. Using stories from Scripture, this study creates space for the Lord to heal past traumas that keep them from moving forward. We look forward to seeing how the Lord will use Arnold and Ingrith to reach other Yanesha youth.

*Carlos (far left), Ingrith (middle left), Arnold (middle right), Meredith (far right)

*Ingrith's Baptism


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