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Meredith Block

El Camino Vision

In the process of applying with the ministry of education, we crafted our vision and mission statements as a team (Carlos, Meredith, Juan and Eli) , and we'd like to share them with you. It's a God-sized vision!


To be a leading institution of higher education that lives out and communicates a worldview inspired by Christian values, with an innovative technical formation for the student that responds to the needs and expectations of their field of study, family, society and environment.


We are an institute of higher education dedicated to form technical professionals, serving a vulnerable population through holistic education, developing technical skills and Christian values for personal, familial, cultural and environmental transformation in Peru.

This year the local area has been fraught with usage of date-rape drugs for the first time, high schoolers and graduates making worse decisions than usual at younger ages, and some being detained by the police. We're convinced that a large part of the problem is young men having nowhere to go and nothing to do after graduation. Our school will not solve all of these problems, but our heartfelt prayer and desire is that alongside technical formation, the spiritual courses we will require (multiplying hope, work4living, etc) will create a space for the Lord to bring healing and new beginnings for students who realize they want something different.

Local high schoolers in Villa America... future students of the technical school!

Photo credit: Shelly Winsor

Join us!

Is this vision something you can get behind? Now more than ever we need prayer and financial support to launch El Camino ("the Way") next year. We hope to be self sustaining by year 5, but as we have chosen to open as a private school (for a lot of obvious reasons), that means we must cover all of our costs in this initial phase. We will be charging a monthly tuition, but want it to be accessible for local students. 

Current needs:

Staff salaries and expenses for 2024:  $4000 per month

Classroom/lab building with computer lab: $100,000


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