After returning in April, we've been reconnecting with people and discovering some great options for this year. One surprising opportunity is to partner with a chain of technical schools within the Peruvian school system. SENATI (sin-ah-tea) is a reputable trade school that offers online and in person training. Where did this come from? One of Carlos' closest friends, and a brother in Christ now, became a director for SENATI several years ago, helping them figure out where they should start new schools (they have 61 in Peru already). He wanted to meet with us and the vice president of the school while we were in Lima to see if we should work together.Long story short, Carlos' friend visited us last week with one of his teammates, who designs tech school proposals. The most interesting modality is that many of the classes happen on campus but connect online to Lima. There is a local "monitor" who helps the students work through the material. Juan and Eli (our team staff pictured above) are already qualified for this role! So although teaching of technical material would happen online, the relationship with people on the ground would be with Juan and Eli (and the rest of us who will provide other specifically discipleship oriented materials).
What do you think? We are praying about this possibility, because the regional board of education is taking so long, whereas the SENATI system is already in place allowing many important aspects to develop more efficiently. The vice president of SENATI said in our lunch meeting, "Education doesn't work without teaching Judeo-Christian values! This is exactly the kind of school we want to start!"
Please pray for wisdom and the Lord's timing in this process (and for us to receive our "ID number" from board of education which we still need before SENATI can step in).